New Book Summary: Make Time by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky

My latest book summary is for Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky. The book sets out a simple four-step approach and includes dozens of practical tips to help you spend more time on the things that matter to you.

The key takeaways are below, and you can find the full summary by clicking the link above.


  • Make Time is about making time for the things that matter to us. It's about changing our defaults so that we spend our time more intentionally.
  • The authors set out a four-step approach:
    • Highlight. Every day, pick the thing you most want to get done that day. It could be a work highlight or a personal one (e.g. spending time with family).
    • Laser. Focus on your highlight. The authors suggest a variety of tactics to help with this, such as turning off notifications on your phone and getting a wristwatch.
    • Energise. We get more energy by taking care of our bodies—exercising, eating well, socialising, and resting. While this may all sound obvious, again, the authors include practical tips to make this easier to implement.
    • Reflect. Keep records of which tactics you used and how well you were able to focus on your Highlight each day. Reflecting on our experiments allows us to improve our processes.
  • All in all, the book contains 87 suggested tactics to help you put this four-step approach into practice. You're not expected to do all of them, but you can experiment to find what works for you.

As usual, you can find the full detailed summary on the website. If you found this summary useful, consider forwarding to a friend you think might enjoy it.

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To Summarise

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