
January monthly round-up

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read

Hope the first month of 2024 has been treating you well. And welcome to all our new subscribers - January was a month of record growth, more than doubling the number of subscribers in December, and it's great to have all of you on board😊

This month, I posted 2 book summaries and 1 blog post:

Book summaries

Blog posts

  • ​Thinking in Systems and Economics - I outline the key economics-related examples Meadows uses in her book and offer up some of my thoughts on her conclusions.

Early next month, I'll post a summary for How Democracies Die by Daniel Ziblatt and Steven Levitsky. Quite fitting as we're facing the democracy paradox: more people in 2024 will be voting than ever before, yet democracy has rarely felt more vulnerable.

Lastly - a quick shoutout to my friend Ryan, who shares many short, actionable ideas at The Limitless Playbook. Did you know that by February, around 80% of people will have failed to keep their New Year's resolutions? Ryan explains why this happens and how to make sure you're in the successful 20%. Go check it out!

Until next time,

To Summarise

I summarise non-fiction books with more detail and critical analysis than you'll find elsewhere. Join my newsletter to get new summaries delivered straight to your inbox!

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